Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bento for Lunch

Well I decided to try my hand at some Bento. So this is what a made K for lunch today, a hot dog octopus with cheese eyes and smile. I have some directions for some other hot dog creatures but I decided to try something easy first. I got the Bento box from the Dollar Store before Christmas and just thought it was a cute snack box, had no idea it was for Bento.


Corey said...

your octopus is VERY scary

allthingspurple said...

hi, i was bento bloghopping and found your blog under google alert function.

I shop at etsy sometimes for cloth diapers and i am glad i stumbled on the fact that you have a store at etsy. will look out for your store in the future.

NorasMommy said...

Love the hotdog octopus!

I've got to learn bento - it's THE mommy skill of 2008 :)